Webcast: Social Intelligence and Foresight by Recorded Future and The Socializers

Recorded Future (http://www.recordedfuture.com) was joined by Nathaniel Hansen, CEO of The Socializers, to discuss how temporal analytic technology supports in-depth social web research. We discussed how identifying key web sources and potentially catalytic future events supports social intelligence research.

The presentation includes an introduction to Recorded Future’s technology from CEO Dr. Christopher Ahlberg, a brief a live demo of our analytic tools, and discussion of how the Socializers map and measure the most influential online figures.

The new adventure travel: a snapshot from Facebook

The other night I got into a wicked fast dialogue with friends from various parts of the world. What emerged was quite funny but also truly something to ponder. Could blended entertainment (#transmedia #intermedia) be leveraged to effectively topple oppressive regimes? Could a handful of individuals pull this off with a very minimal budget? Could it be the new modality of adventure travel/Reality TV spread via social networks?

Storytelling is at the core of all social networks. One post and its subsequent threads can turn into a community that evolves humanity.

The Facebook exchange below hints at a new form of reality TV leveraging social networks to produce revolution and truly fascinating television. Check it out:



On Intermedia:

On Social TV Analytics:

MetaData Tagging:

Streaming Media Comparison

The pressure of VOD


Over 1200+ articles curated on Social TV!!

Other Links from the thread:

Recorded Future

Jillian Lauren

Rolf Potts

Eleftherios Hatziioannou (Peopleizers)

Gary Hayes


My Love Travels from Krystal Baldwin

Peter Economides of FelixBNI

Hello I Love You Conference Istanbul, Turkey Dec 7-8, 2011

Discovering, Building and Growing Community: Challenge and Opportunity

CHALLENGES FOR COMMUNITY BUILDERS (from forward-thinking leaders):

I wonder what would happen – if we just stopped talking about the crisis (macro-economics) and simply started giving the best service ever to our customers (micro-economics) instead.
~Eleftherios Hatziioannou

Social psychology is more important than economics. ~Peter Economides

All cultures … have grown out of myths. They are founded on myths. What these myths have given has been inspiration for aspiration. The economic interpretation of history is for the birds. Economics is itself a function of aspiration. It’s what people aspire to that creates the field in which economics works. ~Joseph Campbell

The role of purposeful storytelling is to unlock people’s emotions so they can connect to your story and brand. ~Peter Guber

The real opportunity is in reaching out to the dissatisifed, to those in search of something new. ~Seth Godin

DISCOVERING COMMUNITY: One of the most exciting realities of our time is swift connection via digital networks with others who share one’s passion, beliefs and interests. For individuals, such discovery of peers in the social networks often leads to connection in the flesh. Brands have worked for years with technology companies to develop truly amazing solutions for identifying and connecting with individuals, conversations, and existing communities oriented around specific interests. Leaders in the field include PeopleBrowsr, Radian6, BrandWatch and Converseon.

BUILDING COMMUNITY: Powerful communities are often built around dynamic leaders who balance hard-earned lessons in relationship with an appreciation for new knowledge. Increasingly, brand leaders are giving away power to customers – to tell stories, share suggestions, critique corporate leadership, and even design products/services. The result for many brands has been increased loyalty, positive word of mouth and trust. Here are examples of brands that truly demonstrate customer-centric community development in social networks via Lisa Braziel at Ignite (see examples). Two superior tech solutions for building community include Jive and Buddy Media.

NURTURING COMMUNITY: It takes people to truly grow and nurture a long-term community. In social networks, conversations are a major aspect of how people connect, whether in brief texting via Twitter or Facebook, or within long drawn-out comment threads on blogs. A successful brand has community managers on staff who love the brand, are personable, have common sense, understand social technologies and are pro-active in driving community growth. Content-marketing and curation are catch-prhases at this time in history related to growing online communities. Steve Rosenbaum, author of Curation Nation, is arguably the best resource on curation today. Some of the greatest community managers/social strategists in the industry include Amber Naslund, Eleftherios Hatziioannou, and Jeremiah Owyang.

You are already living on your planet. Own it!

If you knew for certain that the afterlife involved a planet ALL yours, what images would fill your imagination of this planet?

Consider living on that planet today.

STEP #1 – IMAGE: Antoine de Saint-Exupery writes, “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
Assemble images that match what you want. Use social photo sites like http://pinterest.com/ and http://www.flickr.com/. Create a vision board with these images or just gather them together in an album in Facebook. The point is to be inside of the image and the best starting point is the image itself.

STEP #2 – MEET UP: Meet others who share the same interests. Search terms in Facebook, find meetups at http://www.meetup.com, attend events via http://www.eventbrite.com. The point of this step is to take action and step INTO the forest of images you gathered IN THE FLESH.

STEP #3 – PREPARE: Prepare to transition. After having met others who share your exact interests, you’ll probably be “juiced”. It’s time to pack for your journey. Excellent resources for the nitty-gritty of doing so may be found at http://www.vagabonding.net/resources/ AND http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/.

STEP #4 – GO: If you have done Steps 1-3, you are much further along toward “the thing”, “the people”, “the place”, and “the how” of your own planet. Now take action!

Grow your forest. The world needs oxygen NOW!

The way out of anything is to go INTO it, so deeply into it that you find the core. The core is usually like a seed or a small infant, no matter what the outer aspects look like. Take that seed, that infant, in your hands, in your arms and it will offer up its need and desire to you. Fulfilling that need and desire at the core of any puzzle, any challenge, any hardened situation, usually results in a fresh flow of life-juice. Peace and Joy are the natural outcome of such love.

Right now our world has a connective digital tissue. It is called the Internet. The Internet has become like flesh now. It is sensitized because of the people who are constantly using digital networks to communicate. And this communication moves very swiftly around the planet. At the push of a one button in the smallest apartment, at an island home or on a farm by the sea, a message can be sent and arrive EVERYWHERE.

It seems there are so many puzzles that humans are trying to figure out at this time in history. And we have the tools at our fingertips.

1. IDENTIFY YOUR MISSION: Use a pen and paper to write it down.

2. NAME YOUR MISSION and CLAIM IT: Go to http://www.knowem.com and a domain registrar and claim the name of your mission.

3. FLESH OUT YOUR MESSAGE WITH TEXT, IMAGES, MOVIES, MUSIC AND MUCH MORE: Go to the World Wide Mind and study each type of major social property. Find content related to your mission in these properties by using the Search field. As you do this, you will be discovering a community of like-minded folks. Make a note of their profiles in an Excel spreadsheet. If you spend a whole day doing this, going around The World Wide Mind, you may have discovered hundreds of new friends. Oh, and mash up all of this great content you find, along with your own, to create the first coloring of your own network.


5. BUILD YOUR COMMUNITY: Contact each of the individuals on your spreadsheet by sending them a personal note appreciating their content. Invite them to be a friend.


7. STATE YOUR GOALS AND INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN YOU: Write simple short messages each day as tweets, Facebook posts, Flickr photo uploads, YouTube uploads, Twitpics, a song addd to Last.fm, a presentation placed on SlideShare. Socialize these messages to ALL of the social properties in which you are present.

8. TAKE ACTION: Now create an event using Meetup.com or EventBrite and invite people to come and interact. Find like-minded people in the digital networks and invite them. Meeting in the flesh is amazing, especially after having been kindred souls in the digital networks. Use a community like Challenge Post or Giveo to get your cause out there and get something done!

Its never too late to enter social networks. And there’s no right way to be social. After all, as the great mystic Ziauddin Sardar says, “There is more than one way to be a human being.” So go be yourself. Totally. Go where you want to go in social networks and you will find people just like you there!

Cultural and Financial Revolution Makers

The efficiencies of particular tech communities, consciousness-communities and VC communities must now be applied to most governments and many aging industrialist-minded corporations (which seem to be guided more by nepotism and cronyism than intellect and foresight). A massive cultural “vacuum-cleaning” must now take place. Gen-Y is alive and kicking and we need the guidance of very particular classy, wise BabyBoomers as part of the revolution that we (humanity) can pull off “overnight”.

TED – http://www.ted.com/
(Big Ideas from leading minds and doers – gather to think, disperse and act!)
Do-Lectures – http://www.dolectures.com/ (Big Ideas from leading minds and doers – gather to think, disperse and act!)
Esalen – http://www.esalen.org/ (Consciousness and Psychology)
Omega Center – http://eomega.org/ (Consciousness and Wellness)
Singularity U. – http://singularityu.org/ (Man-Machine relationship)
FELD – http://www.feld.com (VC thought-leader, Owner of Foundry Group)

TechStars – http://www.techstars.org/ – (Seed Money VC)
A16z – http://a16z.com/portfolio/ – (Elite, Theme-Focused VC)
Foundry Group – http://www.foundrygroup.com/ (Elite, Theme-Focused VC)
KPCB – http://www.kpcb.com/ (Large VC)

GIVEO http://www.giveo.com (Social Good and Giving Solutions)
Egg Strategy – http://eggstrategy.com/ (Qualitative Research)
FelixBNI – http://www.felixbni.com (Branding Strategy)
Organic – http://www.organic.com (Full Service Agency)
Gartner – http://www.gartner.com (Best Business Intelligence in the world)
PeopleBrowsr – http://www.peoplebrowsr.com (Leading Social Intelligence platform)

Council Circle: An ethos that our world needs now

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words. ~ RACHEL NAOMI REMEN

When the tribe first sat down in a circle and agreed to allow only one person to speak at a time – that was the longest step forward in the history of law. ~ Judge Curtis Bok

‎”Council is the practice of speaking and listening from the heart. Through compassionate, heartfelt expression and empathic, non-judgmental listening, Council inspires a non-hierarchical form of deep communication that reveals a group’s vision and purpose.” ~Ojai Foundation leadership, (http://www.ojaifoundation.org/what-is-council)


The way of council circle is THE ethos for our current socially-networked world. This is where each voice has its time and listening is more important than a battle of voices. In council, our pride is in how well we have heard “the Other”. This is humanity’s only hope now.

The wisest being in the circle is invisible, created by the drumming, the silence, the tears, the laughter, the stories. In the men’s circle, we each spoke, wept, laughed, shouted and sang into the silence, into the center of the circle. Often, if I chose to remain silent, waiting until it felt right to speak, another would say something that captured what lived within me perfectly. The feedback after deep sharing and deep listening was appreciation for something other than what I shared. This lifted me up and out of my pain, my pride, my sorrow, my victory and put me back together again…lifting me up or humbling me through warmth, through friendship, through a feeling of brotherhood enwrapped in a profound spiritual sense of community.

I remember a circle 5 or 6 years ago. I sat down and began using the words Us, We and You. A long time circle brother gently stopped me. “Nathaniel,” he said, “I can’t see you when you use these words to describe experience. And I want to see you. Please only use I when you talk about your week and the lessons you’ve learned.”

This was a huge evening for me because I really felt in my body the truth of personal responsibility.

My experience of circle is that I gain incredible wisdom in sitting with others, really on a level rarely plumbed in other settings.

One of the cornerstones of Circle is teaching adults and children to appreciate one another in a manner that the recipient can truly feel the appreciation. I say what I really see inside the person, what I love, honor and respect about the person – not their story. I learn not to over appreciate because I know that some of us can only “hold” so much. I avoid speaking about their appearance but more about their essence. Avoid disguised advice in your appreciations like “ It’s important to take care of yourself”. I try not to use superlatives like greatest, best etc. I try to step out of myself and think only of giving the gift of appreciation in a way that the receiver will accept it with ease.

The principles of deep-listening in Council Circle gatherings are necessary for our now increasingly socially-networked world.

Deep Listening principles from the Council tradition are as follows:

1- Maintain eye contact with the person speaking.

2- Be relaxed but present.

3- Be still.

4- Listen from the heart.

5- Be non-judgmental.

6- Allow the story to unfold.

7- Listen carefully and the person speaking will always tell you what they need.

8- It’s not your job to “fix” the person who’s speaking.

9- Common mistakes to avoid:
a) DON’T give advice (unless asked for)
b) DON’T “swap stories” to reassure the person who’s speaking. You may
think your story is “the same” but its THAT PERSON’S moment, not yours.
c) DON’T interpret the meaning of his feelings
d) DON’T interrupt discharge of emotion (laughter, tears, etc.).
Let the emotions flow out into the circle and sit in attendance to
that emotion.
e) DON’T talk very much
f) DON’T ask questions for your own information.
g) DON’T think a lot about how to “help” the person speaking.
h) ONLY ask questions to lead the person deeper into feelings & his own re/solutions.

10- The most common mistake: Trying to show the person speaking what a good, understanding, perceptive, kind, helpful … person, counselor, leader … you are.

11- Listen, listen, listen! (That’s really what we all need).

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words. ~ RACHEL NAOMI REMEN

The nature of a circle is equality and if we really want to heal the world through circles (whether digital or in-the-flesh), we must learn the way of circle, which was mastered many moons ago in the tribal cultures of the world. This is our only hope as humanity at this time. We do not have time for the dis-organized, tangled world of arguing as seen in the British Parliment. We NEVER have time for the killing off of other ethnicities and the horrible mess afterwards. We don’t have time for hate-speak and fighting.

If I take time, once a week, to sit with my brothers and sisters for 3-4 hours and only listen to their truth and only speak my truth, we will make light-speed progress through a weaving of hearts and minds. Try this today: sit with your friend, your spouse, your parent, your brother or sister, and simply listen to him/her for 30 minutes. Don’t offer advice, don’t interrupt, don’t identify. Just listen. That’s what our world needs right now to allow our collective intelligence true emergence.

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Dear World-Citizen,

Here’s just one of many takes on giving your gift to the world today!

1. GREAT CONTENT: The bottom line in marketing within the social networks is Quality Content WITHIN a Quality Context. @MarvinTowler

2. THERE IS NOTHING TOUGH OR NEW ABOUT IT: And that nothing has changed at all. The local veggie salesman often knows more about socializing than marketeers. Spend a day at the Farmer’s Market! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me1zCtzwDM0)

3. GOOD RELATIONSHIPS: It’s about relationships. And humanizing business process. http://www.peopleizers.com

4. BREVITY IS THE MOTHER OF WIT: And bite-size storytelling. The best in the world at brevity are Seth Godin (http://www.sethgodin.com/) and Paulo Coelho (http://paulocoelhoblog.com/category/20-second-stories/). All the content is bite-sized. And potent.

5. RIGHT CONTEXT: It’s about placing Content in the right Context in EVERY stripe of The World Wide Mind http://www.theworldwidemind.com/

6. YOUR FRIENDS: It’s about securing A Thousand True Fans who really love what you’ve got to say and show. And who YOU engage with!: https://thesocializers.com/a-thousand-true-fans-as-derived-via-key-influencers/

7. YOUR GIFT(S): It’s about discovering your gift and sharing it!: http://www.discoverthegift.com

8. HUMANS CAN, SO HUMANITY CAN: And blooming where you are planted. Being here now!: http://petereconomides.posterous.com/62354093

But most of all, it’s about doing what you already do right now. Just being you every day! : )

You’re already there. (You’re also a truly radiant being! Keep shining brightly!!)

Nathaniel Hansen

Pre-Populated Networks based upon Social Objects

Social objects (photos, tweets, posts) mediate the ties btwn people…& are the reason why people affiliate w/specific others.~Jyri Engeström

I have been working lately on building specific social networks, pre-populated with members from other social networks that share very specific qualities. The work has been arduous but very interesting. After going through the Thousand True Fans process I outlined a few months ago, I have been working on discovering shared social objects (photos, tweets, posts) WITHIN tight-knit social groups.

The emergence of object-specific social networks is truly staggering. The World Wide Mind is merely a lobby in which conscious beings stand and peer out into the seemingly endless depth of mash-ups possible. A site like http://www.shelfari.com/ or http://www.last.fm can be divided into countless strata, specific networks bound together through shared love of social objects (books, quotes from books, fragments of poetry, songs, music videos, concerts).

A social network like StumbleUpon is a window INTO social objects and is organized around popular social objects. The genres within StumbleUpon ARE social networks unto themselves. http://www.stumbleupon.com

I was recently approached by a branding wizard to create a list of influencers related to a specific country. Related to the needs, desires, fears and problems within that country. As part of this work, I am assembling not only a list of influential individuals and organizations (tweeters, bloggers, offline influencers) BUT ALSO a list of social objects (photos, videos, music, tweets, blogposts) that tie the countrymen together, or could tie the countrymen together.

It’s about Influential individuals and organizations. AND it’s about the social objects that have held (and could hold) the attention of the populace.