Attending Extreme Site Makeover with senior Google employees

Extreme Makeover: Live Site Clinic

This interactive session takes volunteers from the audience and examines their websites live to provide general feedback about improving them to gain more traffic from search engines.

Elisabeth Osmeloski, Director of Online Media, Adventures in Search
Tiffany Lane, Search Quality Team, Google
Greg Boser, President, WebGuerrilla LLC
Matt Cutts, Software Engineer Guru, Google Inc.

A successful website gets as much traffic, leads and sales from social media as it does from search engines.

SM is a channel just as powerful as Search.

A successful website gets as much traffic, leads and sales form social media as it does from search engines.

Small and medium size businesses are recognizing that social media is THE major source of traffic.

You are not succesful in SEO today unless you have SM driving people to your site.

Mike Volpe, VP of Inbound Marketing, HubSpot