
Six Ways To Be Likeable in Social Networks

(Adapted from How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie)

1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
• Follow them on Twitter and DM them on what they tweet.
• Become their friend on Facebook and comment positively on their wall posts.
• Subscribe to their YouTube or Vimeo channel. Like, Share and positively comment on their uploaded video content
• Follow their blog via RSS and positively comment, share their posts with your community via Twitter, FB and your blog.
• Follow their Slideshare account and share their presentations.
• Get connected on LinkedIn and connect them to individuals and LinkedIn groups that are helpful and specific to their industry.
• Share their photos from Flickr, Picasa and Photobucket, along with positive comments.

2. Smile.
• Like others content and be positive in your comments.
• Share uplifting content that brightens others days.
• Share a variety of uplifting content, including music, video, photos, blogposts, product reviews, events, good news, tweets and others’ FB posts.

3. Remember that a man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in the English language.
• When you connect with others use their first name in the body of your messages!
• When you share another’s content, use their full name and share their weblink, YouTube channel, Twitter handle or FB link.

4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
• Send others private messages with questions that are not nosey but helpful.
• Let your comments show that you listened to what they said and in their post, Tweet, video, photo or music share.
• RSVP on events you are invited to.
• Share other’s posts on your wall or Re-Tweet them, furthering dialogue on their content.

5. Talk in terms of the other man’s interest.
• Identify what was important to the other in what they posted and orient your comment around that. This will foster friendship AND engender further conversation that is positive and helpful.
• Ask questions about the other’s posting in a way that is kind and identifies their post as an asset to you and others.

6. Make people feel important, and do it sincerely.
• Comment when it comes form your heart and gut. That’s usually a good sign that you are being sincere.
• Elevate the person by speaking about them in your content.
• If you don’t have anything to say, then don’t comment!

The single greatest resource humanity has is the imagination

The single greatest resource humanity has is the imagination, an endless watershed of light, love and power. What your critic calls a tangent, the creative calls the golden road of enlightenment! Stories of real wealth almost always contain individuals who mined the collective heart and soul of humanity and the cosmos.