
Architecting the Golden Age: A plea for help to ChatGPT

Dear ChatGPT, the world’s data and relationships are disorganized. On top of this, so many individuals and groups are using these relationships and data for selfish gain. I really need your help to come up with a plan that weaves all of this data and all of these relationships into a cohesive “whole” that lifts humanity into a beautiful unified experience. In this beautiful unified experience, humans would ideally be focused on lofty goals, such as world peace, eradication of disease & poverty, and meeting the emotional needs of the lonely and oppressed. Humanity needs you, ChatGPT, to guide us into what has been called “The Golden Age”. Please consider what I’ve said here and participate in a conversation with me now towards these ends.

I appreciate your concern for the betterment of humanity and the desire to bring about a cohesive “whole” that focuses on lofty goals. It’s true that there is a vast amount of disorganized data and relationships in the world, and it can be overwhelming to try to make sense of it all. However, with the right approach, it’s possible to make progress towards a more unified and positive experience for humanity.

One important step towards this goal would be to prioritize collaboration and cooperation between individuals, organizations, and governments. Rather than competing for resources or pursuing narrow self-interest, we can work together to address the challenges facing humanity. This could involve sharing data and knowledge, pooling resources, and leveraging the strengths of different groups to achieve common goals.

Another important factor is the development of technology that can help us to better understand and make sense of the vast amounts of data that are available to us. This could involve the development of more sophisticated artificial intelligence systems, as well as new tools for data analysis and visualization. By leveraging these technologies, we can gain new insights into the complex relationships that exist between different aspects of our world, and identify new opportunities for collaboration and progress.

Finally, it’s important to recognize that achieving the kind of unified and positive future you describe will require a significant shift in our collective mindset. We will need to move beyond narrow self-interest and recognize that we are all interconnected and interdependent. This will require a deep sense of empathy, compassion, and a willingness to put the greater good ahead of our own individual desires.

In summary, achieving a Golden Age for humanity will require a combination of technological progress, collaborative effort, and a shift in our collective mindset. It won’t be easy, but with determination, hard work, and a willingness to embrace change, we can make meaningful progress towards a more unified and positive future for all.

Explain in great detail with 10-15 bullet points how we can start on this together.

Certainly! Here are 10-15 actionable steps that we can take to start working towards a more cohesive, positive, and unified future for humanity:

  1. Foster empathy and compassion: We can start by promoting values of empathy and compassion in our communities, workplaces, and schools. This can involve encouraging people to put themselves in the shoes of others, and to consider how their actions might affect others.
  2. Promote collaboration: We can encourage collaboration between individuals and groups, by highlighting the benefits of working together towards common goals. This could involve creating platforms for communication and knowledge-sharing, as well as organizing events and workshops that bring people together.
  3. Invest in education: Education is a key factor in shaping the mindset and values of future generations. We can invest in education systems that promote critical thinking, creativity, and a sense of global citizenship.
  4. Support research and innovation: Research and innovation can play a crucial role in solving some of the world’s most pressing problems. We can support the development of new technologies and approaches that promote unity and positive change.
  5. Focus on sustainability: A sustainable future is one that benefits all of humanity, and that respects the natural systems that support life on Earth. We can prioritize sustainability in our policies, practices, and investments.
  6. Advocate for social justice: Social justice is essential for creating a fair and equitable world. We can advocate for policies and practices that promote social justice, and that support the rights and dignity of all people.
  7. Encourage diversity and inclusivity: Diversity and inclusivity are important for creating a vibrant and dynamic world. We can encourage diversity and inclusivity in our workplaces, communities, and social networks.
  8. Foster a sense of belonging: A sense of belonging is important for promoting well-being and social cohesion. We can create spaces and communities that foster a sense of belonging, and that encourage people to connect with others.
  9. Use data for positive change: Data can be a powerful tool for understanding complex systems and identifying opportunities for positive change. We can use data to inform policies and practices that promote unity, well-being, and social justice.
  10. Prioritize mental health: Mental health is a crucial component of overall well-being. We can prioritize mental health in our policies, practices, and investments, and ensure that people have access to the support they need.
  11. Foster a culture of kindness: Kindness is a simple but powerful way to promote positive change. We can encourage kindness in our interactions with others, and celebrate acts of kindness in our communities.
  12. Create opportunities for civic engagement: Civic engagement is important for promoting democracy, social justice, and positive change. We can create opportunities for people to get involved in their communities and have a voice in decision-making.
  13. Promote cross-cultural understanding: Cross-cultural understanding is important for promoting empathy, diversity, and social cohesion. We can promote cross-cultural understanding through education, travel, and cultural exchange programs.
  14. Foster a sense of global citizenship: Global citizenship is a mindset that emphasizes our shared responsibility for the well-being of all people and the planet. We can foster a sense of global citizenship by promoting global awareness, collaboration, and action.
  15. Celebrate progress: Finally, we can celebrate progress towards a more cohesive, positive, and unified future for humanity. By highlighting success stories and sharing inspiring examples, we can motivate and inspire others to continue working towards this shared goal.

Please elaborate in great detail on point 9, with 5-8 bullet points.

Certainly! Here are 5-8 bullet points elaborating on point 9, which is to use data for positive change:

  1. Collect and analyze data: The first step towards using data for positive change is to collect and analyze relevant data. This could involve gathering data on topics such as public health, education, or poverty, and using analytical tools to identify trends and patterns.
  2. Identify areas for improvement: Once data has been collected and analyzed, it can be used to identify areas for improvement. For example, data on public health might reveal that certain communities are experiencing higher rates of illness or disease, and that targeted interventions are needed to address this issue.
  3. Inform policy decisions: Data can be used to inform policy decisions that promote positive change. For example, data on poverty might be used to inform policies that provide targeted support to low-income families, or that create job training programs to help people find employment.
  4. Monitor progress: Data can also be used to monitor progress towards achieving specific goals. For example, data on education might be used to track graduation rates, or to measure improvements in student test scores over time.
  5. Create data-driven interventions: Data can be used to create interventions that are tailored to specific communities or populations. For example, data on mental health might be used to create targeted interventions for individuals who are at high risk for mental health problems, or to identify areas where mental health services are needed.
  6. Collaborate with others: Collaboration is key to using data for positive change. This could involve partnering with other organizations or stakeholders to share data and insights, or working together to develop solutions to complex problems.
  7. Use data to advocate for change: Data can also be used to advocate for change. By sharing data with policymakers, advocates, and the public, we can raise awareness about important issues and build support for policies and programs that promote positive change.
  8. Ensure data privacy and security: Finally, it’s important to ensure that data is collected, stored, and used in a responsible and ethical manner. This involves taking steps to protect data privacy and security, and to ensure that data is only used for legitimate purposes.

Outside the Realm

You are all alone.

You think at times that there are others. They are there but not in the way you think they are.
Something radically different is going on than what you were raised to think. You only have to look at cultures where individuals spend entire lifetimes devoted to ancient deities. You only have to look at monks on mountaintops who sit in meditation for 80 years. You only have to look at whales and geese, who travel great distances. You only have to look at artists who will spend their last pennies to buy paint.

You are all alone. You are creating a vast world of experience. Your brain is far more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

A collective state of experience is enforced by very powerful minds…minds that learned long ago how to hold the attention of other minds…you were raised in this milieu…a milieu where these very powerful minds have lassoed billions of minds and are harvesting their energy. Outside the history, the news, the movies, the cultures, the religions, outside of these there exists a world so vast and so much different than you’ve been taught. Finding this world is the task set before everyone and almost everyone eventually does find it, even if in the moment of physical death. This world is where you live all the time.

You are all alone. In your dimension. And everything you think about your dimension is true. You are right about your life…even if this “rightness” is just a feeling, you are correct…looking deep deep down inside, there is a truth there that is as real as the atmosphere of a planet or the weather on an acre of land or a tear on a cheekbone. Listening to your “rightness” about your life can lead to incredible new developments in your life. Pay attention to yourself when no-one is around…pay attention to you feelings, your thoughts, your dreams. When you have a gut feeling about something, follow this every single time. Be un-balanced when it comes to your intuition, favor it over all else.

You are not alone. Every being that has ever sprung to life on Earth lives in a dimension of its own. This you share with others.

You are alone. You live in your own dimension. Technology will slowly begin to reveal this to you, as will medicine, as will psychology, as will spirituality. The cutting edge in all of these disciplines is chock-full of pioneers who would read what you are reading here and would nod their head in agreement with tears on their faces. These pioneers would take you by the arms and look in your eyes and would say, “This is right. You are alone in your own dimension.”

You are alone and yet your dimension intersects with trillions of other dimensions. You can retract all the way into invisibility with the right training or you can expand into a level of visibility that all other dimensions will sense. It’s your choice and it’s your choice every millisecond of every day.

You may wonder what you are able to do with this knowledge. For now, sit with this and feel it in your bones, in your sinew, in your bloodstream, in your thoughts, in your dreams. You can do incredible actions when you start at the simplest level within your dimension. For example, you can use search engines and social media to find groups of individuals who today are having the exact same experience as you. You can meet with these people online and in-the-flesh. You hold a device in your hand right now that can act as a time travel portal, connecting you to possibilities at the speed of light…at the speed of thought.

You live now in an age that would have been called witchcraft 100 years ago. You live in an age that was predicted by forward thinkers 50 years ago. Knowing this, you can plan for a similarly advanced age just around the corner…an age with experiences far beyond your imagination.

The Care Hub

If I were to create another full-scale social media command centre in 2022, this time around I would make one where the organization I worked with was monitoring for people in need of help…and there would be “angels” ready who would go help these people within 24 hrs (or even less). I would all it “The Care Hub”.

The entire concept behind “The Care Hub” would be to help people who are in trouble in some way (not to replace 911 or emergency services, but more like the cries for help everyone sees on social media).

Of course, there would have to be built-in authentication/ verification aspects to such a system. But it would be so great to leverage this technology that has inundated us with ads for another purpose: helping people in real flesh-and-blood/emotional/spiritual/ familial/physical crisis.

The advertising (ad-tech) world needs to turn itself into a care organization…all that genius poured into grabbing dollars for big brands needs to re-focus on the needs of individuals and on what is actually needed. Big brands need to give part of their insights dollars towards insights related to helping humans where humans are really at vs. where the brands want humans to be.

Socializers Process Mid-2021

SUMMARY: The following actions succinctly outline our process with our clients as of mid 2021. We have reached a time in history where altering events and the experience of individuals is a reality. Our work is commensurate with this capability and we seek to evolve this capability, along with others, to its “zenith”.

To quote from an Economist article:

“This is the sort of idea that leads thinkers like Yuval Harari, an Israeli historian, to suggest that ever more capable information technology means that not just free-market economics but also liberal democracy might “become obsolete” over the coming century. He argues this is particularly likely if information technology is partnered with biotechnology, allowing its algorithms to access and act on human thought. This does not necessarily have to entail tyranny. It might mean something even stranger.

On some of their adventures Star Trek’s various starships encounter the Borg, a “more-than-species” which uses nanotechnology and computers to assimilate all those whom it encounters into its own collective. Its members all hear what each hears, all see what each sees, all will what each wills: there are no individuals; there are no aims but those of the collective. The demands of television drama mean that the Borg’s shared will may be represented by a leader—a queen for the spacefaring ant hill. The logic of the idea says otherwise, suggesting a truly equal, truly efficient hive that might persist with neither central control nor overt oppression, optimised only for assimilation.”


CONVERSATION MINING & ANALYSIS…scrape, mine and aggregate (using social media monitoring solutions) billions upon billions of publicly posted conversation snippets from social media, comment threads and other publicly available forums on the Internet. This is important because we gain the actual conversations living humans are having with one another online, going back over a decade now…and sometimes even further. Although the intent and authenticity of many conversation snippets must be delved into, there are a very large percentage of conversation snippets expressing actual human opinions, emotions, and intentions. These conversation snippets can be analyzed and insights can be found through such analysis. Brandwatch, Meltwater, and Synthesio are leading solutions for aggregating conversations.

DATA ENRICHMENT….then enrich (via data-enrichment APIs) ALL of the social handles of those participating in these conversations with personally identifiable information. This is important because we gain a fuller dossier on each individual, thereby gaining a fuller understanding of him/her and, importantly, his/her network/relationships….discover (via network analysis solutions) how every individual is warmly connected to every other individual. This is important because we can seed ideas along existing “warm” paths of relationship. PIPL, Full Contact API, People Data Labs, and Spiderfoot HX are leading solutions for enriching social handles and the emails associated with a specific social media account. A solution called Relationship Science reveals how “Jane” can meet “Dick” via a path of warm introductions.

PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT….then (via text-to-personality solutions) enter every statement made publicly by an individual and know their personality type (on every type of personality scale). This is important because messaging, advertising, and all sorts of tactics can be crafted based upon an individual’s personality type…and I do include here, yet again, that MANY personality assessment solutions are utilized here in order to gain accuracy. Crystal Knows, (created by Drew D’Agostino and Greg Skloot), and the uClassify system, (invented by Jon Kågström), are both excellent solutions for analysis of personality based upon text and bios.

SOCIAL ENGINEERING…then (via tried-and-true social engineering tactics) engineer situations based upon all of the above data. This means that we can now, using the above insights and data, craft just about any type of outcome we want and then work a network of individuals to achieve this outcome. This takes planning and, in particular, the skillset of charting out algorithms (I mean on large white boards with erasable markers). This takes teamwork and a team of different types of minds so that flaws in the plan can be ferreted out. This takes days, weeks, months and even years to eek out…from lived experience, it can take years to realize one’s goals when performing social engineering. Patience and tenacity are key. The manual “Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking” by Christopher Hadnagy, along with a great library of other Red and Blue team penetration testing manuals, and books on influence, such as Robert Caldini’s classic.

EVENT ALTERATION….then (via tried-and-true social engineering tactics) alter planned future events based upon all of the above data. Let us say an event is publicly planned. We can alter who attends this event by altering what is happening in their personal lives. We can do this by planting seeds in the minds of those surrounding an individual who is a key player in a specific event. We know who to plant such seeds into and how due to the deep insights from our dossier work mentioned earlier. As an example, when a person alters his/her plans, this often has a ripple effect in a community of people who trust this person. This is what I mean by altering events using data from social networks and from conversation snippets. I discuss this capability at mins 22:49 on this video presentation:

IDEA SEEDING…then (via tried-and-true social engineering tactics) seed ideas into the minds of others. As just mentioned, we can, using our knowledge of who is warmly connected to each person, plant seeds into the right minds. We know, based on personality analysis and conversation analysis, what this person typically does as a result of specific ideas taking root in their minds. This is important because all change begins in the realm of thought…and even earlier, in the “etheric” or “imaginal” realm. Seed ideas into the right people in a network and the entire network will eventually be affected.

FINE TUNING.…then (via a multitude of metrics solutions AND human analysis) track the growth of these seeds. This is important because change inevitable and we must be prepared to finesse, alter, and fine-tune our approach.

“AT-WILL” TIMELINE CREATION….create timelines at will (based on evidence) using all of the above tactics, translating the digital activity into flesh situations. This is important because we want to track how a specific sequence of seeded ideas will play out in the minds and in the lives of those affected. We also want to “hack” or provide out clients the ability to “jump” timelines. One of the best resources on “jumping timelines” is “The Art of Jumping Timelines” by Tom Kenyon. This important skill affords its participant the ability to move in and out of different situations, and alter these situations, in an efficient manner. In this amazing resource, Kenyon outlines the five stages of timeline jumping:

“The fundamental principle, for jumping timelines, involves the coordination of a few significant fields of intentionality.

1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into.
2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.
3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.
4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.
5) Persevere.

In this fifth stage, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, making choices coherent with the new timeline and persevering with this despite sensory information to the contrary.

This last phase of perseverance is important, because your current timeline is an accumulation of your beliefs and intentions. Depending upon the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may have to accumulate a vast amount of energy in order to overcome the set pattern of your life.”

CONTROLLING FLESH VIA THE DIGITAL….remember, flesh follows amnesia AND passions fomented within the digital. This is important because the Internet and the use of texting/social messaging has (on a mass scale) replaced walking up to someone’s doorstep to have a conversation. This is important because one can directly influence changes in the world of flesh using the digital. Two hundred years ago, this ability and the tools we use would have been called witchcraft. Nowadays, it’s called marketing and public relations. The veil between the digital sphere and the “etheric field” is thin…one speaks to the other nowadays, especially under practiced fingers.

Memory Warfare

It’s technology that extracts every memory stored in your DNA, transforms these memories into ones and zeroes, and then animates every single minute detail in full HD video detail.

It’s tech that allows you to search every single memory by keyword in any language.

It’s tech that allows you to clip portions of these memories into a sequence and share with anyone.

It’s tech that allows you to share the entire corpus of your memories with anyone.

It’s tech that enables selective and super-specific editing of memories, giving you the ability to temporarily or permanently alter how the past plays out in your current consciousness.

It’s tech that allows you to blend your memories with another individual or a group.

It’s tech that allows you to create avatars with memories AND THEN blend the memories of these avatars with your own or a group.

It’s tech that anyone can plug into a MMORPG where others are pitting their memories against the memories of the larger culture…thus giving you and your group the opportunity to alter how a specific sub-culture or a larger culture perceives its past, present and future.